Life In The Waves

Riding waves, guiding tourist, then take them to a snorkeling spot is now a job for Mr. Ila. The growth of tourism in Lombok island make a huge impact for people who lives near the sea. One time, Mr. Ila was a fisherman. Although not an ordinary one. For people who lives near the sea,…

After The Rain

It was 2PM and I begin to wonder, is it rainin’ or what? I was in my room changing clothes cause at 3PM, I have an appointment with my friend. And it was delayed two times because of rain. well, I was pretending that I don’t hear it, I don’t want to see it either….

Fresh Graduate’s Fate

We can say that, in every part of this world, education is very important. it’s a main stairs to achieve something that we called, science. But as the times goes by, education has changed into a different form. You don’t go to school to get smart, but to get a diploma so you can get…

Putu Bambu

Did you ever remember about snacks in your childhood? This thing is called ‘Putu Bambu’, a traditional cylindrical-shaped steamed cake – That’s what wikipedia said.. hehe – It is made of rice, palm sugar and steamed on a bamboo tube. Then it is served with grated coconut on top of it. One thing I really…

Thank You ‘Bosses’

I was never close to my parents. I mean.. I was raised on a hard way so it makes a gap between me and The Bosses – I called Them boss, my dad and mom – and our communication was not that good. I always having some war with my mom while Dad is too…

Goin’ Where The Wind Blows

The first thing that crossed my mind when I see this picture is, Mr. Big song “Goin’ where the wind blows”. Maybe because is just windy up there when I shot this one – LOL. Anyway, I took this picture of – I don’t know the name of this flower – while hiking the Turgo…

Love And Betrayal

Prambanan Temple is located in the suburbs of Yogyakarta city, Kalasan. As the myth says that there are 1000 temple in the Prambanan complex. Including the Roro Jonggrang Statue that is said to be the last (1000) temple thanks to Bandung Bondowoso curse. At the late war between Boko kingdom and Pengging kingdom, Roro Jonggrang…

Finding My Way

I was in the middle of confusion. Dilemma. Life is not that kind to me these days. I have stress and a bit of disorientation to find a way trough. Luckily, I have my camera on and people supporting me. Taking pictures always make me feel better. Flirting with nature especially. To fight these stressed…

Exotic Merapi

Oh yeaahh!! I like hiking. I mean, where in the world you can find beautiful, refreshing, and amazing view than hiking? Months ago I went to Merapi Mountain, Central Java. And the god of fortune was with me. Usually, starting from 2PM, in this spot you can only see fog. But, tadaaa!! No fog!! So…

Mbah Marto The Sailorman

“Mbah” is a calling for grandfather in javanese. Mbah Marto once was a sailorman, and then become a fisherman. Don’t be surprised when you call his name, he’ll just pass you by and even don’t look at you. Not because he is an ignorant person, but because he is deaf. He can’t hear clearly anymore….

Angin Mamiri – Losari

I travel a long way from Medan to Makassar that day to see my grand sister. She was just giving birth to my first nephew ( I have two now ). It was my first time in Makassar. So I take my time to taste some local food such like coto and konro. And than…

Yengki My Lil’ Brother

We were drinking coffee and relaxing in my house. Talking about anything. Life, girls, dreams. Yengki is just like a brother to me. When we first met, he already showed that he has determination and courage to face life. He’s an unfortunate guy. Raised from a poor family, he is determinate to take college in…